I have returned!

new cover

And with me, I bring something new!

That’s right, a new cover for Two Thousand Years!  Isn’t it so much more majestic than the old one?

Why the change?  Because I wanted to.

I’m finally getting into the meat of my story and I’m thinking I need more drama than floating rainbow orbs (which was exactly what I google’d when I search for the initial picture way back when).

Anyway, I’m back home now and ready to get into the normal swing of things once again.  San Francisco was awesome, and I suggest anyone who hasn’t been there to visit it ASAP.

I was also extremely productive while I was there – I found plenty of time to revise, revise, revise and I should have not one, not two, but THREE chapters posted before the weekend is done.


So thanks for the patience, and I hope I don’t disappoint!

Posted on March 24, 2016, in Random and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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